Carla Iacono: Fairy Glaze and other stories

Carla Iacono: Fairy Glaze and other stories

Pages: 84
Texts: Clelia Belgrado, Franco Carlisi, Carla Iacono
Author: Carla Iacono
Format: 165×205 mm.
Binding: Hardback, stitch bound with headbang, laminated soft touch
Release: 2015
Languages: Italian/English

ISBN 978-88-95388-23-6

€ 20,00

Carla Iacono, conceptual photographer, uses the portrait to investigate the moments of transition and explore the territories of the unconscious. It is an autobiographical path, born from the desire to underline the ongoing spreadingof a “non-culture” based on manipulation and negative models of which the teenagers seem to be the first victims.
The adolescents must learn to manage new stimuli and relate to the outside world in a new way; they feel the need to explore the new physicality, but in the meantime they experience nostalgia for their childhood and a sense of inadequacy for their changing body.
All this can cause fears and misunderstandings, starting self-defense mechanisms such as aggressivity, provocation or isolation.

The portraits of Carla Iacono, inspired by literature and psychoanalysis, are often declined in fairy-tale images, assuming that the primary function of the fairy tales is “initiatory”. According to the anthropological theories, the birth of fairy tales and their elements can be traced back to “primitive” rites of passage and to the representations of “death”; fairy tales are used in psychoanalysis as they offer structure and shape to accommodate anxieties otherwise unsustainable.
Therefore the images of Carla Iacono, suspended between poetry and anxiety, and the relevant stories defy indifference, stimulating reflections and memories.
(dalla presentazione di Clelia Belgrado)